For many years it has been believed that the cinnamon we commonly use to flavor and aromatize our preparations could be harmful to dogs. But numerous scientific studies have concluded that cinnamon has a positive impact on our pets, providing numerous health benefits.
Cinnamon contains cinnamic aldehyde, linalool, phellandrene, eugenol and pinene, and also has essential elements such as minerals, vitamin C and B, calcium, iron, magnesium, sodium, zinc, iodine, potassium, phosphorus and fiber, among other components.
Among the properties that cinnamon possesses, we highlight the following in relation to dogs:
1- Anti-inflammatory properties: the high calcium content of cinnamon is beneficial for strengthening the bone structure of dogs. Therefore, it relieves arthritis pains, and also improves the physical resistance of these animals. In malnourished animals, its controlled consumption can help to improve nutritional deficits.
This is also suitable for elderly dogs, as they suffer a natural loss of muscle and bone mass.
2- Antiseptic properties: it combats the symptoms of various inflammatory and infectious processes. Dogs suffering from allergies are prone to fungal infections, and cinnamon is an effective tool in the fight against these fungi.
3- Antioxidant properties: cinnamon is effective in combating free radicals and cell damage, so its consumption is beneficial in the prevention of cancer and degenerative diseases.
4- Digestive properties: cinnamon fiber promotes intestinal transit, making it a remedy for constipation in dogs. It also helps eliminate gas, prevents vomiting and relieves stomach discomfort.
5- Stimulates circulation and has cardioprotective and hypoglycemic properties:
Cinnamon has essential oils, magnesium, flavonoids, zinc and iodine, substances that promote blood circulation, making it an effective anticoagulant. It also controls the amount of cholesterol and sugar in the blood, so it helps in weight control, reduction of abdominal fat and in the treatment and prevention of diabetes.
6- Strengthens the immune system: Cinnamon is rich in essential nutrients for strengthening the immune system, such as vitamins A and C, fiber, iron and calcium. An immunologically strong animal is less vulnerable to pathologies.
7- Natural insect repellent: To repel insects, simply mix water with cinnamon essential oil in a spray bottle to obtain a highly effective natural repellent and keep insects away from dogs.
From all of the above it can be deduced that cinnamon consumed in adequate doses provides numerous health benefits for both people and dogs. However, in high doses it can have undesirable effects. That is why it is advisable to consult a veterinarian or a specialist before including any supplement in your pet’s diet, even if it is a natural product.
A trained professional will decide the appropriate dosage according to the purpose of consumption, weight, size and health status of each animal.