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Clove is a spice that has been widely used in cooking for years. They are the dried buds of the clove tree, and in addition to being used as a condiment, they have numerous beneficial properties for the health of both animals and humans.

Properties of cloves Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it fights indigestion, nausea, dizziness and diarrhea. It also decreases gas generation and, therefore, flatulence and colic. It works as a natural analgesic, soothing pain. It contains eugenol, a substance with antioxidant power that helps eliminate free radicals responsible for cell damage and cardiovascular diseases. It also prevents blood clotting and stimulates good circulation. In addition, its flavonoids help reduce blood sugar, which also contributes to better cardiovascular health. Its consumption treats respiratory diseases, since it works as an expectorant. Clove is a natural anthelmintic product, that is, it treats parasitic diseases in which a part of the body is infested with worms, such as intestinal worms, causing their eradication from the body.



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